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Our Fees

Charges for 3-Tier New MM2H and
MM2H in SEZ & SFZ Application

It is a requirement from the Ministry of Tourism (MOTAC) that agents are to charge MM2H participants a certain amount as the fee for MM2H application. As stated in the official documents Appendix D, we are allowed to provide additional services that are related to MM2H application.

Please contact us and talk to us on how we can work out a very competitive package for your MM2H application.

The Ministry of Tourism’s official link for licensing requirements for MM2H companies is given below. It is in Malay language:
Garis Panduan Pelesen MM2H.pdf

New Application Charges


Item 1.15
Syarikat pengendali MM2H boleh mengenakan caj perkhidmatan kepada peserta MM2H pada kadar yang selaras dengan penetapan di bawah Akta Kawalan Harga dan Antipencatutan 2011 [Akta 723] seperti yang berikut:
(a) RM70,000.00 bagi peserta MM2H kategori Platinum;
(b) RM55,000.00 bagi peserta MM2H kategori Gold;
(c) RM40,000.00 bagi peserta MM2H kategori Silver; dan
(d) RM40,000.00 bagi peserta MM2H kategori Zon Ekonomi/ Kewangan Khas.


Appendix D
Jenis-jenis perkhidmatan asas:
1. Fi permohonan;
2. Pemeriksaan kesihatan;
3. Insurans Perubatan;
4. Fi Visa MM2H;
5. Fi MEV;
6. Fi Visa Journey Performed (JP);
7. Perkhidmatan terjemahan (jika berkaitan);
8. Bon Keselamatan.

Perkhidmatan tambahan:
1. Perkhidmatan menjemput dari lapangan terbang dan menyediakan penginapan setiap kali peserta tiba di Malaysia bagi urusan MM2H;
2. Perkhidmatan menghantar dan menjemput peserta bagi urusan-urusan di Kementerian Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya berkaitan MM2H sahaja dan Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia (sekiranya perlu);
3. Permohonan pembantu rumah (negara asal);
4. Permohonan pengesahan (endorsement) dan pelanjutan Pas MM2H serta pembaharuan program MM2H.
5. Perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan lain berkaitan program MM2H.
(*Nota: Tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat yang ditentukan dari masa ke semasa oleh OSC MM2H)


Item 1.15:

MM2H service providers can impose a service charge to the MM2H participants at a rate consistent with the stipulations under the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011 [Act 723] and they are as follows:

(a) RM70,000.00 for Platinum category MM2H participants;

(b) RM55,000.00 for Gold category MM2H participants;

(c) RM40,000.00 for Silver category MM2H participants; and

(d) RM40,000.00 for MM2H participants in the Special Economic/ Financial Zone category.


Appendix D


Types of basic services:

1. Application fee;

2. Medical checkup;

3. Medical Insurance;

4. MM2H Visa Fee;

5. MEV fees; (Multiple Entry Visa)

6. Journey Performed (JP) Visa Fee;

7. Translation services (if applicable);

8. Security Bond.


Additional services:

1. Pick up service from the airport and provide accommodation whenever participants arrive in Malaysia for MM2H purposes;

2. Transfer service participants to and from the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture related to MM2H only and the Malaysian Immigration Department (if necessary);

3. Maid application (country of origin);

4. Application for endorsement (endorsement) and extension of the MM2H Pass and renewal of the MM2H program.

5. Other services related to the MM2H program.

(*Note: subject to conditions determined from time to time by OSC MM2H)​

A Malaysian Federal Government Gazette approved on 3 July 2024
[KPDNKK.100-1/4/6; PN(PU2)695/JLD.35] indicates that the fixed MM2H prices is for one person only – the principal applicant.

Click here for the official link to the Federal Gazette:

S-MM2H Charges

Here's the professional fees for Sarawak MM2H (S-MM2H):

Type of Service

Charges (RM)

New Application:

  • Single

  • Couple

  • 2nd Wife

  • Additional dependent of child


Per application


Per application


Per application


Per participant

*NOTE: Charges excluding 8% SST (Sales and Service Tax) and Government fees (such as S-MM2H visa fee, MEV, JP, Government Renewal fee), insurance, medical checkup, courier, runner, transportation, accommodation, etc.

Contact Us


Alter Domus (MM2H) Sdn. Bhd.

200601004800 (724548-X)

70A, Jalan Zainal Abidin,
10400 Georgetown,

Penang, Malaysia.

Mobile No.:

Roselind Moey


Ch'ng Toh Ghee

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SSM Registration No.: 200601004800
License No.: MM2H810
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