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Post Endorsement Briefing

Congratulations! You have received the MM2H visa endorsed on your passport. The following are important information. All our clients are our friends eventually. So,impossible for us to do something that jeopardize our relationship.

Property Purchase

  1. You have 12 months to submit the sales and purchase agreement.

  2. Please use your own lawyers even though you are buying from developers as we have seen many cases of conflict of interest that cause real losses to buyers. We have a panel of good lawyers. Ask us for their names.

  3. Failure to submit the sales and purchase agreement within the 12-month window may lead to cancellation of the visa.

  4. If you need any comments on he property purchase, please contact. us.


  1. For Silver, renewal is done every five years.

  2. For SEZ, Gold and Platinum, we will do a "transfer and extend".
  3. For all categories, the MM2H Center will check for the fulfillment of 90-day minimum stay requirement during the 5-year renewal or transfer and extend
  4. At the end of the 10-year period (SEZ), 15-year period (Gold) and 20-year period (Platinum), the subsequent visa duration will all be 5 years. You may be required to show proof of property owwnership.

Transfer And Extend
If you have a new passport any time before your MM2H duration is completed (whether it has expired, run out of pages or was lost / stolen), you need to get a new MM2H sticker in your new passport to claim the balance. Please notify us in advance, before you come with your new passport. You might need to get certain documents and procedures to be done before you enter the country with your new passport.

If you got the new passport at the embassy in Malaysia, we need the documentation and receipt as evidence.
IMPORTANT: Please keep track of your visa expiry dates. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that your stay in Malaysia does not exceed the date on your visa.
Updating Your MM2H Visa Information
Each time you have a new MM2H visa sticker, you must update the bank and give them a photocopy of your current MM2H visa.

Minimum Days to Stay in Malaysia
It is your responsibility to keep track and ensure you fulfil the minimum days to stay in Malaysia according to the conditions as stated in your approval letter. It is counted as number of nights, so it is advisable to allow for an additional 2 days, to avoid any miscalculation.

The one-year duration is pro-rated on a calendar year basis, from 1 Jan to 31 Dec. You can make multiple visits and accumulate them within the year. You are responsible for keeping track of your days in Malaysia as Alter Domus will not be aware of your travel plans

Cancellation of MM2H
If you no longer wish to keep the MM2H visa, you have to officially apply to terminate it. We can assist you with this process. You can do it when you are not in Malaysia, but for many cases, the bank may want you to be here in person to close your account. You need to work with us on the documents required at least 3 – 4 weeks before your arrival in Malaysia.

Bringing in parents / Parents-in-laws
Parents of the main applicant or spouse can be included under dependent passes if they are more than 60 years old. Kindly work with us if you have interest in bringing in your parents.

Conversion Of Dependent (next-of-kin) To Main Applicant.
In the event of the passing of the main applicant, the spouse must inform the MM2H centre within 3 months from the date of death and initiate the transfer of principal. Transfer of principal to he next-of-kin can only be done once.

Driving License Conversion
Other than those holding Singapore driving license, you can get a Malaysian driving license without having to give up your present foreign driving license. There is a structured flow to get the driving license done and we need a verification letter from the department that issues your foreign driving license. We can help you with the conversion at a chargeable fee.

Fixed Deposit Withdrawal
You can do a partial withdrawal on your fixed deposit after you have endorsed the visa. The fixed deposit can be claimed for purchase of property, medical bills, domestic travel and children’s education. The sales and purchase agreement or bills must be dated after the visa is issued on your passport. You cannot claim your child's education that happened in 2015. Documents are required to show evidence and the bills must be made to your name (or with dependents).

Unclaimed Moneys Act 1965
We have the Unclaimed Moneys Act 1965 which specifies that money in an account which has not been actively operated by the account holder for a period of 7-years or more is to be reported and transferred to the Registrar of Unclaimed Moneys. Under the Act, auto-renewal does not constitute an active operation.

We are just informing you as banking is a private matter.

Medical Insurance
Medical insurance is relatively affordable in Malaysia and the local insurance companies provide good packages. If you are below age 70 with no pre-existing conditions, you must consider getting a comprehensive insurance policy, to cover any medical expenses in Malaysia. Please click on

If you are above 60 years old, insurance will be waived for MM2H but it is good to get one for your own use. We provide insurance. Talk to us.

Do Up A Will
It is important to do up a will on your assets and money in Malaysia as soon as possible, including your MM2H fixed deposit. It is cheaper and more efficient to have a separate Malaysian will for your Malaysian assets. If you need contacts for solicitors, please let us know.

Please update us on your latest email addresses as we need to let you know when your visas are expiring or if we need to contact you. If you have multiple emails, please let us know which is the primary one.

Import of household effects / pets
You are entitled to bring in used household effects tax-free. We can help you clear customs and we can probably do it cheaper for you. Please work with us on this. As for pets, we can help you get the import license, the paperwork and the physical process of getting the pet from the airport to your house/apartment. The pets may need to be quarantined. Do contact us if you need any help.

Home management (Penang only)
We can help to look after your home here as they may be vacant for long periods of time. We will email photos, start the car, pay your bills and other needful work.

Contacting us / Informing us
If you are outside of Malaysia and need to resolve some issues with the visa (lost passport, cancellation of visa, etc), you need to let us know way ahead of your visit. Do not book the flights until we confirm that the dates are ok. Please contact us by email if you have any doubts. If it is an emergency, please give TG or Roselind a call.

Contact Us


Alter Domus (MM2H) Sdn. Bhd.

200601004800 (724548-X)

70A, Jalan Zainal Abidin,
10400 Georgetown,

Penang, Malaysia.

Mobile No.:

Roselind Moey


Ch'ng Toh Ghee

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Ch'ng Toh Ghee

© 2005 - 2025 Alter Domus (MM2H) Sdn. Bhd. (724548-X)
SSM Registration No.: 200601004800
License No.: MM2H810
All rights reserved.

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