Getting the MM2H is not an endpoint but a journey that stretches from initial inquiry, getting correct and timely information, applying for the visa to moving over and settling down. Choosing a supportive partner in this long journey is undeniable the most critical aspect in getting everything done in a legal and most efficient manner. Although we have been in this business since 2004 and have seen and experience the good, the bad and the ugly, we will continue to be here to help you. Check out our Google Review and see we always walk the talk.
Skip to the next section if you have provided us with the following information otherwise, please let us know the following information so that we can help you immediately:
Who is following you? Spouse? Children? Parents? Parents-in-law?
Job or your last job before you retire.
Your plans and please include the timeline.
What documents do you have and how do you want to proceed?
Please elaborate and tell us more so that we can be more effective in our communication.
Please refer to the FAQ (click here: Most of your questions will be answered there. If you have any questions, please let us know.
If you have a child who is over 25 years old and is working remotely, it is a good strategy to let them be the main applicant, while you and your spouse can be listed as their parents. However, siblings cannot be dependents.
Let us begin the MM2H journey. Alter Domus works with our client closely and we try to eliminate any surprises along the way. So, do share with us your plans and information. Before you buy any plane tickets, properties, insurance or getting help from anybody and anyone, let us know. We will advise you and assist you so that it will be a pleasant journey.
WhatsApp (click on phone number): +6012-4937270
Processing Sequence For Peninsula Malaysian MM2H (Silver, Gold and Platinum)
We strongly prefer that you work with us closely from the beginning to the end. Please don' go out an buy any property, talk to any bankers, insurance agents, etc. You may end getting the wrong information which can lead to costly mistakes.
Here is the processing sequence:
You prepare the documents. Critical documents are letters of no criminal record, marriage certificate, birth certificates (if your parents or children are following) and valid passports (preferably has at least 2 years validity). As you need to get them certified by the Malaysian embassy, you may need a few weeks to prepare them.
You scan the documents to us (if you have a document scanner) and then courier the documents to us. The complete list of documents required is listed here.
We collect a deposit of 20% of the cost of application.
We will submit the documents (to apply for the MM2H visa).
We need to wait probably 2-3 months.
Once the approval letter is obtained, we will inform you. You have 90 days from the date of approval letter to come in and collect the visa. We recommend that you take the visa, the latest on the 2nd month. Extension will only be given on a case to case basis. We have to guide you all the way as we have cases of clients doing them wrongly and made some costly mistakes.  We have lined up bankers, good solicitors, property agents and other specialists to help you. You don't have to worry.
To get the visa you need to have:
Account opening and deposit of the MM2H Fixed Deposit (FD) in USD or Malaysian Ringgit equivalent.
Medical checkup at one of the hospital panels authorized by the Ministry (to weed out those with infectious diseases like TB, Hepatitis, AIDS, etc.)
Medical insurance. Yes you need a local medical insurance and we will have a long discussion on this matter - Getting an international medical insurance is costly (up to 5-10x more expensive) and there are good local solutions.
(For children aged 21-34 years old) Statutory Declaration of single status and unemployment in Malaysia at any Commissioners of Oaths in Malaysia.
We collect the disbursement fees - government visa fees, medical checkup fees, basic medical insurance fees, security bond, government application fees and processing fees.
We will take your passports, medical form, bank LIEN letter and Statutory Declaration (if required) to the MM2H Center in Putrajaya to issue the visa on the passports (also known as "passport endorsement").
We will collect the the final part of our professional during passport return.
Once the visa is on the passport, we have 12 months to lodge the sales and purchase agreement (SPA), receipts and invoices of the residential property purchase to MOTAC. It may take 1-2 months to get the SPA ready. If you did not buy a property and lodge it within 12 months, the visa will be cancelled.
If you have a property in Malaysia, you can use that property provided:
You have to show the SPA that contains your name or joint name with spouse who is registered under your MM2H application as dependent.
Must be above RM600,000 for Silver category as stated in the SPA (not valuation).
You are not entitled for withdraw 50% from the FD (see item #13 below)
Those who purchase property after endorsement can withdraw 50% of the FD, provided the SPA has been lodged to MM2H Centre Putrajaya.
The 90-day minimum stay in Malaysia starts on the date of visa issuance. This will be checked every 5 years when your visa needs renewal